Twice Exceptionality
At Hulstrom, see each student as an individual and understand some students need more support than others in specific areas while still focusing on their strengths. One possible consideration could be the students is twice exceptional. The Colorado definition is as follows:
“Twice-exceptional students are those who are identified as gifted according to state criteria in one or more of the categories of giftedness (cognitive, academic, creative, leadership, or arts)
Identified with a disability according to federal/state criteria – and the disability qualifies them for either an IEP or a 504 plan” (CDE, 2019).
Twice exceptional students require either accommodations to access the curriculum (504 Plan) or accommodations, modifications, and specialized instruction provided by a Learning Specialist (IEP). If you feel your student may be twice exceptional or is in need of further support, please contact your child’s classroom teacher (K-5) or advisory teacher (6-8). They can then work with you to begin the Response to Intervention (RTI) process to support your child in their area of need. For further information about the RTI process at Hulstrom, please see here.
Useful Links:
Colorado Department of Education Office of Gifted Education Twice Exceptional Information