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Parent Teacher Association

At Hulstrom K-8, we believe a strong Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is of utmost importance as it plays a vital role in fostering a collaborative and supportive educational environment for every student.  Hulstrom's PTA serves the full community in a variety of ways:

  1. Enhancing Communication:  The PTA serves as a bridge between parents and all staff, facilitating effective communication and strengthening the partnership promoting student success.
  2. Parent Involvement:  The PTA encourages parental involvement across a myriad of opportunities as well as in decision-making processes.  Positive parent involvement improves student growth, increased attendance rates, and reduces potential negative issues.
  3. Community Building:  A positive, collaborative community is at the heart of Hulstrom K-8, and the PTA organizes events, fundraisers, and social activities to foster a sense of belonging to support a positive culture and climate for all.
  4. Advocacy and Support:  The PTA acts as an advocate for the needs and interests of students and families with the school and community by providing a platform for ideas and suggestions around academic, social emotional, and enrichment programming.  The PTA partners with school staff to create the best possible learning environment for all students.
  5. Resource Mobilization:  Through fundraising efforts, the PTA helps secure additional resources to greatly enrich the educational experience for students by enhancing programming, providing supplies and equipment, and supporting enrichment activities.
  6. Enrichment:  The PTA broadens students' horizons, exposes them to new experiences, and supplements their classroom learning through supporting enrichment programming, including field trips, school-based enrichment activities, and community events.
  7. Volunteerism and Mentorship:  The PTA provides pathways for parents and community members to volunteer their time and skills to support the students and the school.  For more information on Hulstrom's volunteer opportunities and processes, visit our webpage, Family Engagement, Involvement, and Volunteering.

For more in-depth Hulstrom K-8 PTA news, contacts, events, shopping, and fundraisers, visit this website.