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Student Pick-Up Authorization Form


Student Pick-Up Authorization forms are not the same as Emergency Contacts listed in Infinite Campus?

Emergency Contacts are individuals listed in Infinite Campus in which the school initiates contact when a student needs to be picked up.  Emergency Contacts do not have rights to pick up outside of an emergency unless the parent has completed Student Pick-Up Authorization form.

Student Pick-Up Authorization forms ensure the safety of all students in that students will only be released to parent(s)/legal guardian(s) prior to the end of the school day.  If you would like to authorize other people to pick-up your student(s) during the school day (this includes pick-up for step-parents), please complete a Student Pick-Up Authorization form.  This authorization will remain in effect until revoked by the parent/legal guardian.

Please see Mrs. Tracy if you have any questions.

Click on the image below to view full PDF.

First page of the PDF file: StudentPick-UpAuthorizationForm